Friday, October 17, 2008

I think it is going to be unethical. This is not a private message because the whole school found out about it,  and because he should of not done that. This is why this wasn't a private message. And it might concern the Administrator. 

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I will focus on my process journal on the days that i have free time at home or in school. This is a really important process journal to all of use because we can go google what charter busses we can get, what hotels we can stay in, and what restaurants we can go and eat. I will go to google and look up pictures and other stuff I have to look up. I will work really good in this process journal.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What Jules did wrong is that she forgot to sign out of her blog and if she doesn't sign out someone can get into hers and do something bad.
What i think Trish wrong is that she should of sign out of Jules blog and not do nothing wrong, and what i thought it was wrong is that she should of get into her blog and send bad messages to other students.